Betsy's New Parking Spot
The first time I got a shiny new bike I was 6 years old. It was red ...
Peter Rabbit Moves On
I said goodbye to Peter Rabbit this week. Well, most of his things anyway. For 38 years ...
The Wandering Crown
True story. At the dentist office recently to get a permanent crown, I lost it. I don’t mean my self-control, I mean the crown. Lost it while ...
Hot Wheels and Whac-A-Mole
There’s a Hot Wheels track on the rug under my grand piano. Sometimes in the morning darkness as I descend the stairs I hear the tiny cars clacking around. Pete the cat plays with them ...
I sang in church on Sunday. Nothing unusual about that, I sing in church every Sunday I’m there. I love to sing, especially in worship. But this Sunday it felt … different. Special. More holy somehow.
Snovid and the Groundhog
This year the groundhog nailed it. When he predicted 6 more weeks of winter our temp was 82°. Ten days later it was 7°. In Texas we say if you don’t like the weather just wait, it’ll change. But this was ridiculous!
Cracking the Codes
My 7 year old grandson knows how to enjoy life’s simplest pleasures. His pure joy and wonder at all nature has to offer when we go for a neighborhood walk is infectious. His enthusiasm helps me see ordinary things in extraordinary ways...
First Day of School – 2020 Style
Before the pandemic, the first day of school traditionally went something like this. Make the kids pose for a picture, help the youngers feel less anxious, then drop them off child at school with a backpack, a prayer, a wave and “Have a good day!” (and tears if your child was entering kindergarten.) The familiar...
The Rock and The Garden
I can’t stop looking at them. Big ones, tiny ones, beautiful ones, ordinary ones. Some are smooth, flat and round with a monotone color; others are craggy, irregular shaped with bands of multi colors. Rocks have always fascinated me. Even as a kid I had a rock collection. I remember one in particular, a crystally...
Cruising with Betsy
I have a new bike. Well, new to me. I purchased it because my grandson is learning to ride without training wheels and I have dreams of the two of us cruising the neighborhood on summer mornings once he is proficient. His bike is new, dark blue and very cool looking. Mine is vintage. Very...
Eastering the Egg
The weather on Easter Sunday was glorious, the kind of perfectly beautiful day my mother calls “top ten.” It was so gorgeous it almost made you forget you were under shelter-in-place. Almost. Except that not being allowed to gather in church on Easter just felt wrong, like I was missing out. Because I was...
Strange Days
These are strange days. I don’t like them. And I am coming to loathe the terms coronavirus, Covid-19, shelter-in-place, lockdown, social distancing, no longer in business, projected death rate. I know we must each do all we can to stay well and respect the authorities. But while I comply with new rules and try to...
The Covering
It’s not square. And my corners are crooked. But it’s fine. It’s a goal reached, a project finished, a dream achieved. A pretty, handmade quilt, assembled and stitched by me. I’ve always wanted one. Bed-sized, not too thick but warm and cozy, with a history. Grandmother was famous for her quilts – her prize-winning embroidered...
Mouse, Eye Pillow and the Shoelace
Unloading the dishwasher this time is almost a sacrament. Plastic Rudolph and Santa dishes are handled with the same care as the Christmas china and crystal. I put each piece away slowly, remembering the precious hands that held them, loving the fact that items reserved for the season are used and not just put on...
The First Noels
Noel: an expression of joy used at Christmas My brother wears the 1982 model. Red felt vest, white felt pocket strips on both sides; white felt snowman on the right with beaded eyes and hat and scarf; green felt Christmas tree on the left with ornaments and gold star; three green holly leaves with red...
Antique Grace
Antique: old; ancient; old-fashioned; obsolete; archaic; a piece of furniture made in a former period. I looked at the beautiful piece one more time, amazed again at how the Weiman Lemon Oil had worked its magic over every inch. The keys were yellowed, cracked and worn, as you would expect from something that began its...
Silver Bells
I sat at the piano to start practicing Christmas songs and immediately thought of Grandmother. I can still see her clearly in my mind’s eye. Sitting at the organ next to the fireplace, head of graying black curled hair thrown back as she sang tunes so familiar she hardly needed to look at the music...
Singing to Ted
I’d been thinking about it since yesterday. When to go visit Ted, our dear church friend who had been moved to hospice care on Friday; the prognosis was 6 months at best. It was Saturday, nice weather for the first time in months. There was a lot on my To Do list, in particular a...
Turtles in the Tub
There are turtles in my bathtub. Also frogs, sharks, a variety of fish, some snakes, even a dolphin and a whale. An amazing assortment of creatures. They are plastic, very colorful, and one of the best garage sale finds ever. When not in the bath hiding under bubbles for a grandchild to find they live...
Grandma Gets Her Hair Wet
As a child I loved it when Grandmother got in the swimming pool with us. It was special because she left the adults who were gathered poolside to visit and watch the kids to come be with us in the water. She watched us dive and do flips and swim, giving us the gift of...
Legacy of a Great Lady
Last year the world recognized the passing of Barbara Bush, an American Great Lady- a label with which most folks seem to agree. In an interview before her death Mrs. Bush remarked that her legacy was her family. Family meant everything to her, and everybody knew it. But this blog isn’t about that lady. It’s...
Kinder Halls
Lately I’ve been roaming the halls of kindergarten. Actually I roamed only the first day; now I know which turn to take for classroom, library, cafeteria or office. I didn’t return for remedial reasons, I am simply blessed with the opportunity to take my 6 year old grandson to school each day. My other...
Grief Brings a Suitcase
A friend remarked recently that grief can be subtle. I had not considered that; most of my personal experiences have involved shock and suddenness – nothing subtle about it. But recently Grief made its uninvited, unwelcome appearance, disturbing the Christmas season and putting on hold my desire to blog until now. I’m still reflecting on...
For the Dog Lovers
Yes, you read right and you are at the right blog site. This one is for the dog lovers. Those who know me know I am not a dog lover. I love other dog lovers, but I’ve only liked two dogs in my life – one was very old and the other was exceptional. When...
Of Course You Realize, THIS Means War!
“Of course you realize, THIS means war.” It’s Bugs Bunny’s famous line from the old Looney Tunes cartoons when his enemy has pushed him to the breaking point and he is forced to retaliate. It was my line several weeks ago when I saw a cockroach on his way to the kitchen. Only that morning...
Most Awesome Road Trip Ever – Blog 6, Abbott & Costello and the Raccoon Dance
We Made it to Colorado Springs as planned – from Texas through part of New Mexico and on into Colorado in one day. Our first stop was King Sooper for groceries. Craig rolled the RV to a stop at the entrance, where Laura got out to grocery shop and Grandpa and I got out to...
Book People
It’s not just the name of my favorite local bookstore. It’s who we are in my family, who we have always been. I remember my grandmother reading the newspaper with her morning coffee. I sat quietly beside her at the table with my ‘coffee’ and longed for the day when I could read like a...
Drunk with Freedom – From ER to R
That’s what Casey called it earlier this year at a meeting with support staff when I announced my pending retirement. At the time she was referring to my attitude and demeanor at work, the way I walked and smiled more easily, my face starting to look less like a roadmap as the stress lines began...
Goodbye to Wall Street
The “For Sale” sign stood prominently near the edge of the lawn as we pulled into the driveway of the house on Wall Street for an annual family spring gathering we call Maymus. The day we celebrate all birthdays in May and surrounding months with so many presents on the hearth it reminds us of...
High Tech, Low Tech, No Tech
In honor of my wonderful experience at the Erma Bombeck Writers Workshop I am posting the piece I wrote for the writers competition in my blog. I didn’t win the contest but I still like this piece and think it’s a fun read. Enjoy! “Honey, how do I … ?” came the all too familiar...
Big Sexy
Waiting to get my hair colored at the Barber Shop (a great local place for a style cut, color, or an old fashioned walk-in barber cut), I watched the barber fix her hair. It was late in the day, she had no customers and she was obviously getting ready to go out. Originally from east...
Green Worms of Spring
Spring is my absolute favorite season. I love everything about it – the cool mornings, warm afternoons, birds singing after their winter confinement and nesting in my hanging ferns, tiny eggs waiting to hatch into fledglings learning to fly, wildflowers sprouting up everywhere, the green of trees and grass. I love it all. Except the...
Most Awesome Road Trip Ever – Blog 11, Junior Ranger, Wild Horses
Mesa Verde RV Park turned out to be very nice. Good hookups, working outlets, and the guys made some excellent burgers and tater tots while Laura and I took the kids to the swings. I guess they never get enough motion. Leaving Laura with the kids, I headed back to our campsite to see if...
Most Awesome Road Trip Ever – Blog 10, On the Road Again with Junior Card Shark
Rested from a full night’s sleep we were up, dressed, packed, cabin cleaned and RV loaded – kids and all – by 7:30 a.m. As Big Truck pulled out of the Timber Lodge driveway my energetic daughter was in the mobile kitchen, setting out breakfast and singing “On the Road Again”, Willie Nelson style...
Most Awesome Road Trip Ever – Blog 9, Fortunately / Unfortunately and the Sweet Elephant
We returned to the lodge a bit later than planned from USAFA and had to change quickly to go out for Mother’s Day dinner. The guys were treating us to a nice dinner out; this would be our one ‘fancy’ meal during the trip. Laura had chosen the restaurant and it looked really nice. Unfortunately...
Most Awesome Road Trip Ever – Blog 8, Big Truck Too Big, Molly and the Military
It was Mother’s Day. I asked Laura what she wanted to do for ‘our’ day. “Take a hike!” came the reply. Which I took to mean with me rather than telling me to get lost. We planned to drive Big Truck up to Pike’s Peak to experience America’s Mountain. After that, lunch and a visit...
Most Awesome Road Trip Ever – Blog 7, Rocky Mountain Adventures
The Rocky Mountain air in Colorado apparently suited Alex – he slept through the night! It took him a while to get to sleep, probably the result of Molly’s Raccoon Dance, but a good night’s sleep had transformed Alex into his happy baby self, a welcome sight and sound. Garden of the Gods. So named...
Most Awesome Road Trip Ever – Blog 5, Life on the Road
I could go on and on about the birder’s paradise at Palo Duro; in an effort to keep readership I won’t. But I have to say there is nothing like waking to the Canyon in all its glory early in the morning. Out my right window was a symphony of native song birds...
Most Awesome Road Trip Ever – Blog 4, Ours is Bigger!
We arrived at Palo Duro Canyon State Park too late for check in. The office left us directions to the campsites in a drop box and strict instructions to check in at the ranger station by 9:00 a.m. the next morning to retain the campsite for another night. We drove 3 miles down into the
Most Awesome Road Trip Ever – Blog 3, Hiccups and Tornados
Our first day on the road. So excited! Since we’d be traveling through West Texas I knew I’d have lots of time to play cards and board games with the girls, something I really enjoy. Before we could get moving we needed to double check that everything was secured, unhook the power, retrace the slide...
Most Awesome Road Trip Ever – Blog 2, Freda
When we picked up the RV we had rented, I knew we would get an orientation from the owner. Paul reminded me about 18 times on the way over to have my pen and notebook handy to take notes and I was ready. James welcomed us and began the tour, outside first then inside. So...
Most Awesome Road Trip Ever – Blog 1, The Plan
It was December. We were gathered at our house for Christmas, and my daughter had assembled us all in the living room. She was excited to give us her proposal for a family vacation, an adventure in a motorhome. Complete with PowerPoint, moving pictures, detailed itinerary and her own scripted narration, she began the presentation...
Just for a Season
I stepped out onto the back porch with my coffee and a plate of toast with jelly and some scrambled egg. A beautiful cool spring morning was waiting for me, and its quiet peacefulness beckoned me like nothing else can. Setting the plate down on my patio table and settling myself in a chair...
Slumber Party Season – Part Two
The weekend following slumber party with the girls was a slumber party of a very different nature. I got one on one time with my sweet Liam, freshly turned 4, for the whole weekend. He was so excited to see me when I picked him up that he ran right out of his bath towel...
I knew when I married my husband that he was a real DIY guy. As opposed to a PAP (Pay A Professional) guy. I came to understand that being a DIY guy meant I would have to wait for him to be off work and available for home repairs. I knew that it meant always...
Slumber Party Season – Part One
When I was in junior high school I didn’t like slumber parties that much. I wanted to be invited, but I didn’t have many friends so I always felt a little awkward. Plus when it came time to go to bed I fell asleep quickly while everybody else stayed up late and pulled pranks...
Luke in the Pokey
After Batman kicked Lex Luthor’s tail in Lego wars we decided to go for a walk. Grandpa likes to take Luke the Destructor up to the school where he can run off leash in the wooded area behind. It’s not an off leash area, but Grandpa is ever the “rules don’t apply to me” and...
Batman Wins Again
I love Legos. So do my grandchildren, especially Liam. For his birthday we got him a superhero Lego set which featured Superman, Batman complete with Bat Mobile and Bat Cave, and ultimate bad guy Lex Luthor. The box said for ages 4 – 7 and since he was turning 4 I figured Liam would be...
Garden Child, The Latest Rosamond
Garden Child, the Latest Rosamond A while back I wrote about two of my favorite prints I’ve had for years which hold much meaning for me The Rosamonds. The paint in the bedroom is long dry now and I restored the prints to their places of honor. The Rosamonds hang once again...
Magic Moments
Sitting in that familiar rocking chair holding my grandson Alex, I thought about how long it had been since the last time I rocked a baby. Three years at least since the last grandchild was small enough to do this. The moment was precious, deserving of cementing into my memory. Who knows when I’ll get...
Is It Worth It?
Every year I ask myself if it’s worth it. The put up and take down of Christmas. Which for me means enough boxes, baskets, bags, pictures and stand-alone items to pretty much fill up the stairwell closet. It takes most of a weekend to transform the house: get everything out and up, fill the boxes...
No Gas, No Cash, Not Much of a Plan
We had stopped in Malakoff. We like the Brookshire’s there, and it’s close enough to the Ranch that you can buy perishables that will still be good when we arrive at the Rockin R. But today we were at the local Ace Hardware store. We had plans to spruce up the main Ranch house...
Perspective – Plants and Puppies
I didn’t think we could grow plants in our back yard. I thought I wanted all grass and very little perimeter plants. I never thought my husband would spend the money for a professional landscaper. I thought I wanted the bird feeder in the place it has always been. Once I decided on imitation grass...
I spent a recent Saturday morning with my best friend. Grandpa was away for the weekend at the Ranch and my friend came over for a sleep over. He came to the side of my bed that morning around 7 a.m. to announce that morning was here and it was time to get up...
Honey, Get Your Glock
We were headed to the Ranch. I was upstairs gathering the last of my things when I heard my husband’s voice from the bottom of the stairs. “Honey, Get Your Glock! Maybe we’ll have time for some target practice.” I went to the top of the stairs and looked down at him. “I’ll grab it...
Nail Gunner
Saturday I was a spectator. Today I’ve been ‘promoted’ to day laborer, with a crash course in the use of a nail gun after choosing that power tool over the chop saw. The Fence is not yet done. I’ve always enjoyed power tools and working with my hands. It’s what motivated me to change my...
The Fence
They didn’t start the air compressor until after 9 am. A decent hour on a Saturday morning to allow neighbors so inclined to sleep in a bit. With all the fence boards they needed to replace, a nail gun would speed up the process tremendously. I watched them from our upstairs porch where I sat...
HH at SZ
That’s what I text my son when I’m checking to see if he is available for happy hour at our favorite sushi restaurant. Over the years we’ve met there, sometimes planned, most of the time not, never on a regular basis. Always with the goal of spending time together, being real, sharing what we can...
Freedom’s Holy Moment
Two months ago today. Sitting in the parking lot, I watched for Sandra to exit the front door. She had been waiting for this day for years, and I was the fortunate one who would get to pick her up and take her to the airport for the long-awaited reunion with her family...
The Leavings
It is a well-known fact that I am a poor transitioner. Moving back into reality from vacation or special times has always been difficult for me. After six decades I don’t expect that to change. I did really well until I went back into the house. Liam and I stood in the driveway and waved...
One of Those Days
Have you ever had one of those days when you awakened to the sound of the cat choking up a hairball and you step out of bed, flashlight at the ready, and sure enough there are three chunks of something on the floor you have to clean up. You get that taken care of and...
That Man, That Man
I can’t concentrate enough to work, and it certainly isn’t quite enough to have prayer time, so I’ll do what I usually do to get rid of frustration – blog. My wonderful husband whom I love has decided to pick this time, this day, to finally work on the ceiling fan in our bedroom...
Post Knee Surgery Musings
It’s only been 2 days since the doc opened up my knee with his tiny camera and tiny surgical implements to clean out the meniscus tears and put me on the path to mending. I was reading my pre-surgery musings – goodness what a negative mood I was in! But even we optimistic types have...
Pre Knee Surgery Musings
These were my thoughts last week. See tomorrow’s blog for how it’s going this week. A little over 3 weeks before my birthday I injured my knee. I’m not sure how I did it; I think I just twisted it wrong. One of my friends suggested I come up with a much better story, like...
That Zipping Sound
The zipping of suitcases. An exciting sound. A work-related sound. A happy vacation sound. Or a sad sound. At least it was to me that Tuesday morning. That sound signaled the end of three wonderful days and nights with our kids and grands from S. A. here in the house. Oh, we’ll see them again...
R.I.P. Sir Duke, Final Tribute – The Purchase
I am still amazed when I think about how Paul ended up owning Duke – Duke Rocky Duck according to his AKC registration papers. Paul and I were dating at the time and he was looking for a dog. I was not at all interested in dogs or shopping for dogs or him having a...
R.I.P. Sir Duke, Part 4 – Paying Our Respects
The next morning we went to Duke’s grave site, as we ended up doing several times that weekend. After breakfast and coffee we pulled on our boots and walked over to the site. The predicted storms had passed over and the morning was pleasant. I didn’t know about Paul, but I felt just the tiniest...
R.I.P. Sir Duke, Part 3 – The Service
I’ve never done a memorial service for a pet in my life, but I knew I wanted to say a few words over Duke. I don’t know why his death affected me almost more than his life. Perhaps it was the realization after he was gone of how much a part of our daily lives...
R.I.P. Sir Duke, Part 2 – The Burial
It was the strangest feeling, driving to the Ranch with Duke in the truck bed. The last few years he’s ridden in the floorboard of the cab on his bed for comfort. He hadn’t ridden in the truck bed since he was younger; back then he was so energetic Paul had a short chain to...
R.I.P Sir Duke, Part 1 – Goodbye
Blog 139 – R.I.P Sir Duke – Goodbye My husband slept with the dog last Thursday night. Not because he was in the doghouse. He wanted to be close to Duke on his last night. Old Duke has been suffering for some time now with laryngeal paralysis, terrible arthritis, and that loss of back leg...
Surprise! – Reprised for Shawn’s 55th
My brother Shawn and I have always been close (except for when he was ages 11 – 16 and COMPLETELY annoying). As an adult he’s smart, witty, charming and handsome (just ask him) with a great sense of humor – a real ‘pull my finger’ kind of guy. He has lots of friends, is well-respected...
Volcanoes and Flip Flops
The things we do for our grandkids. The car cake I did recently for Liam’s 3rd birthday inspired me to offer to make the cakes for my granddaughters’ combined birthday party. To go with their Hawaiian theme based on a Nancy Drew mystery, Molly requested a black volcano cake while Emily selected cakes in the...
Dripping Waters
Pouring water into the birdbath I thought about the other splashing water I heard earlier this morning. Holy water, dripping from the head of my baby grandson at his christening. Water that stakes his parents’ claim on him as a child to be raised in a godly Christian home with the help of grandparents, extended...
Retreat at the Rockin’ R
It’s been almost one month since our Girls Retreat. We only get to do it once a year, schedules permitting, but I could do it more often. I never get tired of the love and the laughs. This was a first. First time ever for girls only at the Rockin’ R. Peace, quiet, and countryside...
Three weeks ago on my walk I found 3 silver dimes – one early on in the walk and two more a little later. I had also found a dime on my walk the day before, and was quite curious about it. Usually any change I find on the ground is pennies. Almost immediately upon...
Circle of Life
Birth and death. Living and dying. It happens to all of us. I attended two birthday celebrations last week. One for my precious grandson Liam who turned 3, and one for a long time friend and sister in Christ who turned 90. In another 5 weeks I’ll be traveling with my mom to my daughter’s...
Great Gran’s Bible
I received a real treasure from my mom over the holidays. On the occasion of attending her church where my sister was making her debut with the hand bell choir, my mother presented me with my great grandmother’s Bible. She said it has been passed down to the first daughter of every generation...
Spits and Splatters
I hate to share a bathroom with a man, even a man I love and am married to. All of the spitting, splattering, hocking, shaving and nose trimming is just too much for me to bear. Guys don’t care if their dirty underwear is lying on the floor –for days even, if someone doesn’t pick...
I know that Valentine’s Day isn’t sweet for everyone. For some it’s a painful reminder of what was or what might have been. I have friends whose spouses have left them for someone else; friends who are single – some by choice, some not; and my own mother lost her sweet valentine 25 years ago...
Passport to Ugly Island
My husband and I have a saying that we tease each other with occasionally, one of those phrases that have special meaning. When we got married we agreed that this marriage would be until death do us part; divorce is not an option, basically we are stuck with each other. Today I had occasion to...
Dazed and Confused
That’s the name of the band I went to see last night. My best friend from high school turned 60 and her friend Lisa, owner of a real live Texas beer joint, decided to throw her a birthday party. I didn’t go for the beer or joint; I went because this friend will always be...
I drove under an overpass on the highway this morning thinking about what it would have felt like if I had tried it last night. Of course I couldn’t have tried it last night because that same underpass had 12 feet of water flowing through it from the torrential rains and floods that hit Central...
If It Looks Impossible, Re-measure
A determined woman with a tape measure is a formidable thing. Just ask my husband, resident nay-sayer, beloved doubting Thomas, who said it couldn’t be done. Meaning re-purpose our unique ‘closet with two windows’ into an office, from which I now sit writing this blog. When the house was built, the first Mrs. R. had...
Just Charge It
I heard the dreaded sound of the slow to crank engine three days before the evening my car failed to start. We were inconveniently parked in the grocery store parking lot. It was 10 p.m. and my husband had just realized it was his turn to cook for Men’s Prayer Breakfast the next day...
It’s Not About the Burger
A few days ago a dear friend at work shared with me a touching incident from her day. She wanted to tell me because it had a mysterious, spiritual component to it and she knew I would understand. As I listened, I recognized it immediately as a Divine Appointment. My friend drove past a woman parked...
The Rosamonds
For years I’ve cherished two beautiful framed Rosamond prints. The first one hung in one of my first living rooms, directly above the couch. After I received the second, I grouped them together in the pink room of another home. Forever paired, they now hang in a corner of my bedroom where I can see...
Mi Hermanos
Finally finishing up the last of laundry from our vacation, I hang up my colorful swimsuits and sigh wistfully, wishing I was back in the water outside my swim out room. I really would like to find out how long it would take me to get tired of that lifestyle. Seriously. One thing I’ll never...
S & H Green Stamps
The green one is missing, long ago broken by too-small hands reaching for a too-tall shelf. But the rest of the set is intact, still in use today. I just used the red one to make my famous meatloaf for a young family at church who had a baby, and the blue one will be...
Relationship Treasures
I went to visit a dear old friend today, at the prompting of another very dear friend. Jeanette is 91 and under hospice care at her home; Becky is still just a ‘pup’ in her 40’s. Both have been special friends to me for over 20 years...
Slow Down and Watch the Sprinklers
When I was a senior in high school my family moved to a really small town. Really small. Population less than 700. I thought I’d died and gone to hell. The city was 3 miles away, and my part time job did not pay enough for gas for ‘frivolous’ trips to see friends. Our evening...
Sir Duke
I’m not a big dog lover. Anyone who knows me, or who read my very first post ever – The Duke Disaster – knows that. But my husband loves them. He’s always had a dog from the time he was a boy throwing a paper route, and I can’t imagine him ever being without one...